About Albertslund Gamerz aka A’GamerZ

Albertslund Gamerz with the short name A’GamerZ is a local gaming, esport and production association primarily for the municipality Albertslund and the surrounding area.

The focus are these three sections: casual gaming, serious esport and computer related production. We want to get the gamers out of their bedrooms and play with others face to face to create a social in real life both at and away from keyboard aswell as giving them the possibility to learn and enhance their knowledge and skills by building and customizing their computers, write programs, create games, videos and graphics using computers.


When gaming becomes a sport and you want to be focused to become the best team player you can get then it is esport.

This branch is just started. The focus is first on League of Legends and Counter Strike: Global Offensive. Later Rocket League and Overwatch could be next.

Our first Counter Strike team A’GZ Five has joined the first official Danish championship in esport eSportligaen. The team ended as number 14 out of 36 teams in the subleague DGU-ligaen.

Hygge gaming

Gaming on computers should be a social activity where you team up with others to finish a game winning over the endboss or get the best result against your opponents.

We encourage our members to play together to also enhance their social skills. And let team mates help each other so the more experienced players help and guide the others.

The goal is to experience the special Danish coziness known as hygge when gaming.


Production is the headline for the following activities:

These activities is planned to start in the beginning of 2019.


A’GamerZ was founded March 2017. In May the same year the first meeting was held. We are member of DGI which is an Danish national umbrella organisation for healthy, challenging and community-based sports associations.

In November 2017 we joined the first official championchip in esport in eSportligaen initiated by the national esport association eSport Danmark which is a member of the international esport association IeSF.

In the summer 2018 the number of members is 40.

If you have any questions or just want to get in contact with us then send an email to our chairman Claus 'Oksegrav' Agerskov formand@agamerz.dk (formand is chairman in Danish).

16-04-24 Først BærBaren så ...
BærBaren med social it for unge og voksne bliver starten på lørdag og i maj kommer også LANaften og i juni endnu flere aktiviteter.

22-03-24 De unge tager over
Det sprudler med energi i bestyrelsen, hvor de unge vil give børn og andre unge de samme oplevelser, som de selv har fået i A'GamerZ.


Aug '24 Ordinær generalforsamling
Sæson 2024/25 på Roskilde Kro i Albertslund.

Se flere.